Full Birth Chart Reading




Your astrological birth chart, also known as your natal chart, shows the movement and placement of the planets at the time of your birth. The location of these planets, by house, and sign, and in aspect (relationship) to each other says a lot about your personality, life cycles, and so much more. In this reading, we’ll dive deep into the analysis. We’ll talk about your all important primary triad (your sun, moon, and rising/ascendant sign) as well as other key planets and points in your chart. We will also use the ancient concept of Sect to deepen our understanding, along with exploring moon phases and utilizing other techniques when appropriate. Finally, we’ll take a look at any major transits (how today’s sky is interacting with your natal chart) that are going on for you this year. We might even look back in time at major transits that have already passed.

A Full Birth Chart Reading is a great place to start if you’re interested in beginning to seriously explore your natal chart. We can meet together remotely, or in person if you’re local. We’ll work out scheduling and other meeting details together (whether to use zoom, googlemeet, facetime, an audio/phone call, etc. Your preference will be honored whenever possible.) The meeting will last about 75 minutes. You’ll receive a copy of your chart as a part of this consultation along with a bi-wheel transit chart.

Please include the date, location, and exact time of your birth in the “Order Notes” section when you book your reading. I will email you within a couple of days of your request to set up a time for us to meet either online or in person.

I can’t wait to explore your birth chart with you!


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